Product information "Dr MÜLLER Anaesthesia machine for horses"
Dr MÜLLER anaesthesia machine for horses
Our horse anaesthesia machine with ventilation consists of the following components:
Mobile, braked chassis NEW
With two bottle holders (10L each) and a monitor support - DRÄGER Trajan 808 basic anaesthesia unit with FlowMeter for O2, N2O, suitable for central gas supply and/or bottle operation with O2 flush approx. 250L/min, with Vapor exchangeable holder, second-hand - DRÄGER Vapor 19.3 for Isoflurane.
DRÄGER CIRCUIT for foals and small animals, incl. breathing lime container, inspiratory and expiratory valve.
LARGE ANIMAL CIRCUIT, circular section for horses and other large animals, new (material: stainless steel, chrome-plated copper), complete with breathing lime container, pressure relief valve, 2 patient tubes, Y-piece,
DR. MÜLLER ventilator for horses and other large animals:
Pressure-controlled ventilator for horses based on bag-in-bottle system, with BIRD ventilator unit, which generates pressure and negative pressure in a Plexiglas cylinder (manual, assisted or controlled ventilation).
The device is mobile and extremely robust, the drive system of the ventilator is a MODIFIED BIRD MARK 7 (output 450l/min, required compressor output at least 500l/min)
We recommend annual maintenance of the device, in particular the BIRD Mark 7 should be sent for maintenance every year! Recommended disinfectant for the respiratory buoy: MyClean® FD (100 g contain: 2.5 g polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride, 0.8 g didecylimethylammonium chloride)
The standard inlet pressure for anaesthesia machines is approx. 5 bar. If you wish to operate your anaesthesia machine with an oxygen concentrator, we must convert the machine to concentrator operation. The cost is EUR 89.00. This conversion is only possible for devices used in veterinary medicine.