Product number:
Product information "SIEMENS Servo 900 C Ventilator"
SIEMENS Servo 900 C ventilator
Ventilation pattern:
- volume control
- volume control with sigh
- pressure-controlled
- pressure-supported
- SIMV + pressure support
- CPAP manual
- min. vol. 0,5-40 l/min,
- respiratory rate: 5-120 breaths/min
Similar display:
- ventilatory pressure
- exp. minute vol.
Dig. display:
- respiratory rate
- O2 concentration, insp. tidal volume
- exp. tidal volume
Exp. minute volume, peak, intermittent, moderate, max. working pressure: 120 mbar
Dim.: 50x23x32cm
Weight : 19kg
From bodyweight of 10 kg